Opportunities - Maths


Here at LEO Academy Trust, we follow a Teaching for Mastery approach that embeds understanding, utilises problem solving and gives children the mathematical skills they need to be successful in a mathematical world. The Maths- No Problem! scheme is used to deliver a high- quality, spiral curriculum that has been designed by experts both in the UK and in China. Our Director of Mathematics leads the implementation of rich, accessible and challenging lessons across all schools and supports teachers with planning, delivering and assessing all mathematical content. The fundamental principles for all of our lessons include; a strong focus on retaining and recalling fluency facts, a Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract approach in all year groups, rich discussion and peer talk as well as the opportunity for reasoning and problem solving. Workbooks and maths journals as used to model and demonstrate children’s thinking, visualisation of word problems and showcase the consistent progress they are making.

There are a number of outside organisations that LEO are proud to be involved in or supporting to engage in the wider mathematics community. Every year, we are proud to be part of #Barvember and showcase how to use this pictorial approach in every unit of mathematics! Children are also involved in the Wonder Maths Challenge, funded by the Mayor’s Fund for London, and will continue to engage in this yearly competition. LEO Academy Trust are delighted to be official ambassadors of Maths Week London; resources, virtual lessons and live events are celebrated and shared beyond our Trust across the capital.

Whether it is virtual or in- person, there are an abundance of mathematical opportunities staff are engaging with, to enhance their subject knowledge and improve their mathematics practice. Every LEO school is involved with workgroups led by our NCETM PD Accredited lead in conjunction with the London South West Maths Hub. There are also half termly training and subject specialist training opportunities as well as an abundance of collaborative planning sessions.

Financial Education

The Trust vision is that our financial education curriculum provides pupils with the essential knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to make informed and independent financial decisions. We want our pupils to have a bright financial future with a positive mindset towards finance, leading to fulfilled, happy and purposeful lives. LEO schools foster an awareness of the crucial nature finance plays in everyday life. Our ambition is to create a culture where our pupils can understand and respect the value of money whilst making sensible financial choices. 

Within our ambitious LEO curriculum offer, we bring our finance lessons to life across the curriculum by delivering financial lessons linked to real life contexts, adapting teaching to the ever-changing financial climate our pupils grow up in. We utilise partnerships with local banks, businesses and money services to further enhance our curriculum offer. Learning in school is delivered alongside our commitment to the LEO Pupil Outcomes by developing pupil’s financial literacy skills to become leaders and life-long learners. Furthermore, we want to equip children with the awareness that having and spending money is not the root of all happiness. 

Financial education in LEO schools – alongside support at home and in the community – helps our pupils to build foundations for future financial wellbeing and resilience. Pupils who have learned about managing money in school do better on many measures of financial capability than their peers. They are more likely to:

  • save up frequently

  • have a bank account, and

  • be confident managing their money.

Financial education helps pupils learn how to manage their money now and in the future, choose the best financial products and services and protect themselves from fraud and exploitation. 


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