
LEO Academy Trust aspires to be a leader in sustainability. We want to motivate all of our students, staff and visitors to follow a forward-thinking approach towards protecting our environment - for now and for future generations. With a strategy spanning the curriculum, school sites, and operations across the Trust, our aim is to reach carbon neutrality by 2030 and to encourage all our pupils, staff and their families to continue following this sustainable focus outside of our school grounds.

Our Approach

We aim to lead by example in the way we handle environmental issues inside our workplaces. Where it's relevant, we expect our suppliers to meet environmental standards in the services and goods they provide too. We have a dedicated sustainability lead who works with schools to help them become more sustainable in all that they do.
The aim of our Sustainability Strategy Plan is:
  • To reach carbon neutrality by 2030 by reducing our carbon footprint as much as possible
  • To bring an awareness of sustainability to the forefront of our education, not only in our taught curriculum but around school, in our extra-curricular activities and general ethos
  • To ensure all sites, buildings and operations across the Trust are as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible.

Click here to view the news broadcast our LEO Pupil Parliament created with Sky Studios, linked to the LEO Sustainability Strategy.


Watch this space for more updates about our approach to sustainability. In the meantime you can view our Sustainability Strategy in full: